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Business Hotline

Contact our business hotline if you, are a company and unsure where to direct your inquiry. We will help, you to receive a quick response and guide you to the right department or contact person.


    Can't find the information on our website or are you in any doubt? Contact us, and you'll receive quick assistance in finding the right department or person.

    We can offer guidance and advising, when your inquiry relates the following:

    • Establishment of business and entrepreneurship
    • Construction work
    • Parking
    • Municipal plan and local plan
    • Licenses and regulations
    • Tenders
    • Supplier to the municipality 
    Business consultant

    Lena Bodnia

    Center for Erhverv

    Business consultant

    Ditte Møller Munch

    Center for Erhverv



    Frederiksberg Rådhus
    Smallegade 1, 3. sal
    2000 Frederiksberg


    Mandag - Torsdag fra klokken 9.00 - 15.00
    Fredag fra klokken 9.00 - 12.00

    Phone: +45 38215625