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Guide for Restaurants and Cafés

Learn more about what you need to consider if you want to start a business where you prepare, sell, or serve food or drinks.


    • Check if a food business is allowed in the premises:
      • If there is already a food business in the premises: Check the building case archive to see if permission has been granted for the food business and for the intended use of the premises.
      • If there is no food business in the premises: Check if there is a local development plan for the area, see the section on land use. If not, check the municipal plan, particularly page 9 regarding businesses. You need to ensure that it is possible to establish a "customer-oriented service business" and that the premises are located in an area designated for "mixed urban functions."
    • If the use of the premises changes, you must apply for permission, for example, if the premises are not already approved for the type of food business you intend to operate.
    • Check if the interior layout meets the applicable requirements and is suitable for the type of business you intend to operate. If you make changes to the interior layout, such as changing the use, altering the production process, or making significant renovations, the interior layout must comply with the building regulations.
    • If you plan to renovate, you must apply for a building permit. The application must include drawings and a power of attorney from the owner of the building, land, and premises.
    • Learn about listed and heritage buildings.
    • If you plan to produce or prepare food or drinks, there are requirements regarding ventilation, noise conditions, and drainage, regardless of whether it is a cold or hot kitchen, or a receiving kitchen.
    • Your business is subject to the regulations regarding environmental requirements for the design and operation of restaurants in Frederiksberg Municipality if your business is:
      • A restaurant, café, coffee bar, beer bar, wine bar, takeaway, pizzeria, or similar business selling food or drinks.
      • A sandwich shop, bakery, pastry shop, or similar business serving food or drinks.
    • You must ensure that the premises and installations comply with the noise requirements in the building regulations and the regulations regarding environmental requirements for the design and operation of restaurants.
    • Various machines for food production, refrigerators, cooling systems, sound systems, and more must be installed with vibration dampers to limit noise and vibration transmission to other residences.
    • As a general rule, you must install a sound lock at entry points.
    • Unless you are establishing a "dining restaurant with background music and similar," where more lenient regulations apply, you must have a noise measurement report prepared by an accredited or certified noise laboratory. The report must document "sound insulation in floor-ceiling assemblies, walls, and building structures" between the restaurant and the most noise-exposed residences. This can give an indication of whether the premises are suitable for the type of business you want to establish or if the costs for soundproofing would be too high.
    • If you plan to have a sound system, you must also obtain a sealing declaration documenting that the sound system has been calibrated and sealed, and that the noise level established in the noise measurement report is not exceeded.
    • We recommend seeking professional advice from, for example, an acoustician or qualified engineer. It is also a good idea to clarify the costs of meeting the noise mitigation requirements. Do it right from the start to avoid the risk of complaints, expensive remedial work, or an operation ban later on.

    If the operation results in grease buildup in the drain, a grease separator may be required. If there is not already a well-functioning grease separator with sufficient capacity, you will need to plan for its installation. Remember to specify in your application for a change of use or construction work what type of food or drinks you will be preparing.

    • You must meet the requirements in the regulations regarding environmental requirements for the design and operation of restaurants.
    • If you plan to install new ventilation or modify existing systems, you must apply for permission. It is a good idea to ensure that it is possible to establish the necessary ventilation system and to get an overview of the costs involved. When installing ventilation, make sure that joints and installation penetrations to other premises are sealed, free from cracks, and similar issues.
    • If changes are made to the exterior of the property or to upper floors, you must obtain permission from the property owner.
    • If you want to make changes to the facade, you must apply for permission, for example, if you plan to install a sign, lighting, or awnings. Advertising on buildings is generally not permitted.
    • Check if there is a local development plan for the area and if there are any regulations regarding signage and facades.
    • Read the signage and facade manual.
    • See the regulations for commercial waste.
    • If you want to set up outdoor seating on public road areas, you must apply for permission.
    • If you want to serve alcohol, you must obtain an alcohol license.


    By, Byggeri og Arkitektur

    Frederiksberg Rådhus
    Smallegade 1, 4. sal
    2000 Frederiksberg


    Mandag, tirsdag og torsdag klokken 10-14
    Fredag klokken 10-13
    Onsdag lukket 

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