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Notify Temporary Construction or Installation Work

Read about what needs to be reported and when.


    Notify Temporary Activity

    If you plan to construct or use certain types of machinery and equipment, you must notify your construction and installation work at least 14 days before starting.

    The following requires notification:

    • Facilities for the treatment of contaminated soil
    • Crushing facilities for construction and demolition materials
    • Dust or noise-generating demolition activities
    • Dust or noise-generating facade treatments or similar outdoor activities
    • Surface treatment of free-standing steel structures or other large free-standing constructions
    • Construction work that affects surface water or groundwater conditions
    • Construction waste and the use of machinery must also be reported here. Be aware of hazardous materials, such as asbestos, PCB, and lead.

    The notification must provide details about the duration of the work and what measures have been taken to avoid or minimize pollution and disturbances to residents. Additionally, the working hours should be specified, broken down into daytime, evening, and nighttime hours.

    You must always comply with regulations for limiting noisy and dusty construction and installation work.


    Environmental department

    Frederiksberg City Hall
    Smallegade 1
    2000 Frederiksberg

    Telephone Hours
    Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 2 PM
    Friday: 9 AM - 1 PM

    In-Person Inquiries
    By appointment only.

    Phone: +45 3821 4151